Official name: "Columbite Tantalite"
Coltan is a precious metal that is a heat-resistant conductor which is able to hold and move electrical signals in extreme temperatures. This metal is vital for the production of electronics and is highly sought after by many developed countries. However, coltan is mainly mined in Central African countries such as eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). With the increasing demand of electronic devices brings an increase demand of coltan specifically, which then causes an increase in power struggle between the government and rebel forces. The war in the DRC caused the highest death toll since World War II. Smuggling and exploiting were rampant. Africans left their jobs, left school to be able to go and mine for this precious metal. There is no mining infrastructure available. Miners are forced to use very basic tools, and sometimes do not even have shoes.They are taken advantage of by rebel groups, who sell the Coltan to small and large corporations for a high price.
Some companies such as Nokia and Samsung have seen this issue and have declared to buy coltan from other mining operations besides the congonese coltan. However, to this day illegal transport of Coltan to other developed countries still occurs. This increasing market and demand for electronic devices in developed countries is spurring problems for those in developing countries. As interest is increasing, an increase is disposal of electronic waste follows and creates it's own set of problems for African countries.